Whitehead Mackay McNeill - Inspiring Financial Confidence

Money matters, yet how much is enough, and can you manage your wealth yourself? Whitehead Mackay McNeill Private Wealth Management has been guiding families and organizations for over 50 years, serving clients through all stages of life and transitioning wealth from generation to generation.  

In this world of constant change and uncertainty, our practice has helped generations of clients navigate their financial and life decisions. Combined, Jon, Sheelah, and Carolan have over 75 years of experience working in finance, as well as previous experience in the arts, education, philanthropy. Credentialed, experienced and competent. What sets our team apart is the genuine caring and empathy we have for clients and their families.

While managing your wealth properly is important, Jon, Carolan and Sheelah all believe in Jonathan Swift's maxim that "a wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart."

Meet Our Team